Open the chat dashboard
Please, navigate to the ‘Chat’ menu on the left-hand side menu bar.
Open the canned response menu
On the top menu bar, the is a ‘Setting’ menu. Please, click on the dropdown and select ‘Canned Responses’
Build the canned message
Please, click on the ‘Add Canned Response’ button
Add the shortcode like canned1, and add the content
How to use the canned message
While sending messages, please type ‘/’ to view all the canned messages. You can simple type /canned1 to enter that content.
What is Identity Verification?
Identity Verification ensures conversations between you and your Users are kept private, and that one person can't impersonate another. This is done by passing an secure identifier of your Contact/Lead/Customer.
Open Your Inbox Settings
Grab the Identity Verification Secret
Use Example Chat Code Below
Make sure to replace the “websiteToken” and the example hash value “1234567891234” in the snip-it below
FYI: If you’re generating the “identifier_hash” from a third party app you will need to use sha256 to hash the User ID with the Hash Secret. Here is an example;
Prerequisites with WhatsApp Cloud (Meta)
Create a New Meta Developer App
First you need to follow the “Set up Developer Assets and Platform Access” step from this guide here
This will create a Facebook Developer App with the WhatsApp product enabled
Next you can configure your phone numbers in the “Whatsapp” section of your new Facebook Developer App. Once your phone number has been added sucessfully you will get a “Phone Number ID” and “WhatsApp Business Account ID”, save these two values to use in the steps below. See the attached screenshot where to find these values
Create a System User In Meta Business Manager to Grant access to your App
You will need to create a system user in your business manager account with the required access to use your new Meta Developer App with WhatsApp access. Follow this guide here
When generating an access token you must enable ther permissions “whatsapp_business_messaging” and “whatsapp_business_management”
Add Your New Whatsapp Chat Inbox
Create a new Chat Inbox
Select the WhatsApp Option
Next you will be prompted to enter some information relating to your Meta Developer App and configure your new Inbox
API Provider = Make sure you have “WhatsApp Cloud” selected
Inbox Name = Give your new Inbox a name you will recognize like “My Business WhatsApp”
Phone Number = Enter the same phone number you have configured in the Meta Developer App
Phone Number ID = Enter the Phone Number ID you created earlier in this guide
Business Account ID = Enter the Business Account ID you created earlier in this guide
API Key = This is the access token for the System User you created which can access your Meta Business Account
Webhook Verify Token = Here you will want to put in a long 12-24 character long code. (Save this to use on the next step)
Send Webhook Notifications from Meta to your New Inbox
Tell Meta to Send Webhook Notifications to your New Inbox
Back in your Meta Developer App navigate to the “Configuration” section. On this page you will set the “CallbackURL” to “”
Please note the URL above includes your phone number with “+” and the country code (1 for US). Replace the “+17145551212” with the correct phone number you previously configured.
Meta only allows ONE Callback/Webhook URL per Meta Developer App. If you have or plan to have multiple WhatsApp inboxes they will all work with the same Webhook URL and messages will be routed to the correct Inbox
Last you will need to paste a value for the “Verify Token”. This is the same 12-24 character long Webhook Verify Token you generated in a previous step above.
Congratulations! Start Messaging 😃
Steps to build a SMS flow
Create a contact flow
Add the SMS step
Please, add the ‘Send SMS’ step to your flow
On the settings page, you can select the sender number and recipient option also
To use the ‘Send SMS’ step, you need to enable the SMS option for your VoIP numbers.
Now, connect all the steps and publish the flow
Steps to send messages until there is a response from the client
Create an SMS flow
Add the ‘Wait For SMS Reply’ step.
Please, drag the Wait For SMS Reply step and you will have this step under the login section.
On the settings page, you can set the time that how long you want to wait for the reply.
And create at least on response lookup condition
Now, we have three branches
Timeout: If there is no reply within the specified time
No Match: It means, the user replied, but the response lookup condition didn’t match
Lookup Condition 1: It means the user replied, and the response lookup condition also matched
As per our requirement, repeat the ‘Send SMS’ and ‘Wait for SMS Reply’ steps
Steps to send SMS/Call/Email to an individual client
Open the contact
Please, navigate to the ‘Dashboard’ on the left menu bar and open the contact
Send SMS/Email/Call
On the left hand side, you will get the option to send SMS, email and phone
If you hover your mouse on the phone number, you will get the option to make a call to that number
We have also dedicated buttons for SMS and Email
Steps to enable the SMS alters for missed calls
Add a phone number
The system offers the VoIP service. You can buy a number inside the system or port any existing number to the system.
Create a call flow
Add the ‘Transfer Call’ step
Please, add the ‘Transfer Call’ step under the ‘Phone’ section.
And configure it as per your requirements.
Please, make sure you have selected your extension to transfer the calls
Now, we have two options for the transfer call step
Once the call is transferred, you can simply connect that option to the ‘Hangup Call’ step if you don’t need any other steps.
Add The SMS Send step
For the ‘No Answer’ Step, you need to add the ‘SMS Send’ step to get SMS notification
To use this step, you need to enable SMS service for the VoIP numbers
Here you will get the option to configure the SMS step
You can choose the ‘Custom Phone Number’ option to send a notification to any number
Now, save and publish the flow if you don’t need any other steps
Automation Flows Basics
Send SMS to custom/static & dynamic phone number using Automation Flow?
Sending SMS to custom or static phone number is required when you want to add static number to get specific SMS when flow triggers. You can set custom number for different scenarios depending on your requirements. However, system allows you to get dynamic number from flow to send SMS every time.
Static SMS Example Scenario:
You would like to get SMS on your phone number every time new form submitted on your website.
In this case, static number stays same for every form submission unless you change it.
Dynamic SMS Example Scenario:
You would like to send SMS to customer every time they make a purchase on your website.In this case, dynamic number change every time for new customer.
Setup Static/Custom Phone Number in Flow:
Choose Send SMS from Flow Steps
Under Send to: Select Custom Phone
Setup Dynamic Phone Number in Flow:
Choose Send SMS from Flow Steps
Under Send to: Select Contact Phone
Steps to create an SMS plan
Open the SMS plan section
Please navigate the phone number section by clicking on the ‘Phone’ on the left-side menu. When the page is open, click the ‘Numbers’ button on the top menu
Now, click on the ‘SMS PLAN’ tab
Please, click on the ‘Plus’ icon
Submit data to create an SMS plan
Continue to submit data
Please, click on the ‘Continue’ button.
Provide the ‘use case’ data
Please select a use case below for how you plan to start using SMS. If you have multiple use cases you can select “Mixed” and then check 2-5 use cases. Hover over any of the options for a description of the use case and please select the closest match.
Provide the ‘Brand’ data
Here you can set the limit of the SMS plan
Provide the company info
Here, you need to provide company information
Please, follow the next button and provide the great details to get approved for the SMS plan.
Create an SMS flow
Add the ‘Wait For SMS Reply’ step.
Please, drag the Wait For SMS Reply step, and you will have this step under the login section.
On the settings page, you can set the time that how long you want to wait for the reply.
And create at least on response lookup condition
Now, we have three branches
Timeout: If there is no reply within the specified time
No Match: It means the user replied, but the response lookup condition didn’t match
Lookup Condition 1: It means the user replied, and the response lookup condition also matched
Add another ‘Send SMS’ step to get a notification
On the settings page, select ‘Custom Phone Number’ and pass the phone number on which you want to get a notification.
Finally, connect all the steps and publish the flow.
Create a Google DialogFlow Bot
Your DialogFlow bot is going to process the Chat messages via an “Agent” and then return a response in the Chat. To do this we first need to define an “Agent” with Google.
Create a New Agent
Please navigate to and click “Create New Agent”.
You can also start from one of Google Pre-built Agents here
Create New Intent
Create “Intents” with DialogFlow that tells your Bot what to listen for and how to respond.
Create a “Handoff” intent that will route route the chat from the bot to an agent
✅ In this example we just created one “Talk to a human” intent that will pass the conversation to a human. Normally you would add more intents here to create many types of Bots from FAQ bots, order taking bots, and more</aside>
Create a Google Service Account
To connect your Chat with DialogFlow you need to create a “Service Account” with Google here [](
Click the “Create Service Account” Button
Name your Service Account and give it an ID (you can name it anything)
Now select the Role of “DialogFlow API Client” for this Service Account
Create Security Access Keys For your Service Account
For the Chat system to connect to your new Google Service Account we need to generate an access Key. Inside your new Service Account []( you will will need to click to open the setting for you new Service Account first
Then click the “Keys” tab
Then click “Create New Key”
On the next popup you will make sure the “JSON” option is selected and then click “Create”
Enable the DialogFlow Integration
Now that you have a new Chatbot created in DialogFlow and a ServiceUser to connect to that Chatbot you need to enable the DialogFlow Chatbot integration. For this we need to know the Google “Project ID” and the contents of the “JSON” file from the previous step
Navigate to “Integrations” > “AI” > “Dialog Flow”
Next enter the;
Project ID
JSON Key File Contents
And Select the Inbox you want to use the Bot with in the Dropdown
Congratulations! You have successfully connected your ChatBot!
Make sure the Chat widget is installed on your website and start chatting to test it
Please note when testing your Chatbots that only NEW conversations will trigger the bot. After a “Handoff” occurs to a human the bot will never be triggered again for that contact and conversation
Steps to connect email with IMAP and SMTP
Please, navigate to the ‘Chat’ on the left menu bar. Once the page is opened, click on the ‘Inbox’ on the top menu bar. Finally, click on the ‘Add Inbox’ button.
Click on the ‘Email’ option
Add the Channel Name and the Email address.
Select an agent
Please, click on the ‘More Settings’ button.
Under the ‘Configuration’ tab, you will have the option to set IMAP and SMTP
IMAP configuration
Please, check the IMAP configuration check box.
You will have to reach out to your email service provider for Address, Port and SSL. Please, confirm these details and update your IMAP Settings.
Configure SMTP details
Please, check the SMTP configuration checkbox to enable SMTP option
Please add elements here...
You will have to reach out to your email service provider for Address, Port and SSL. Please, confirm these details and update your SMTP Settings.
Steps to connect Gmail/Google Workspace
Please, navigate to the ‘Chat’ on the left menu bar. Once the page is opened and clicked on the ‘Inbox’ on the top menu bar. Finally, click on the ‘Add Inbox’ button.
Click on the ‘Gmail’ option
The system will lead you to connect your Gmail/Google Workspace account
Please, confirm the connection
Steps to create an Email Account
Inside the system, you can use several methods to create an email account:
1. Connect a domain with the system
2. Connect your Gmail/Google WorkSpace Account
3. Connect your email with IMAP and SMTP
Steps to connect your domain
The system offers both Webhosting and email services. if you already have an existing website, then please follow this
If you want both services, then follow this
Connect email
Please, navigate to the ‘Chat’ on the left menu bar. Once the page is opened and clicked on the ‘Inbox’ on the top menu bar. Finally, click on the ‘Add Inbox’ button.
Click on the ‘Email’ option
Add the Channel Name and the Email address
This email address must be associated with the connected domain
Select an agent
We are done. The system is ready to send emails, and the system will also provide you with a forwarding email address. You can use this email address to receive inbound emails.
Connect your Gmail/Google WorkSpace Account
Connect your email with IMAP and SMTP
Steps to delete an email inbox
Open the chat dashboard
Please, navigate the ‘Chat’ on the left menu bar. Once the page is loaded, please click on the ‘inbox’ menu on the top menu bar.
Delete the inbox
Please, click on the ‘Delete’ icon on the email inbox that you want to delete.
Type the inbox name to activate the delete button
Steps to change the sender name of my existing inbox
Navigate to the chat dashboard
Please, navigate to the ‘Chat’ icon on the left menu bar. Once the page is loaded, click on the e ’Inbox’ menu on the top menu bar.
Select the concerned email inbox and click on the setting icon
Open the settings of the email inbox
Under the ‘Settings’ tab, you will have the option to change the inbox name
Here, you can update the image of the email inbox
And click on the ‘Update’ button.
Steps to connect email
Connect your domain
Add email inbox
Please, navigate to the ‘Chat’ icon on the left menu bar. Once the page is loaded, click on the e ’Inbox’ menu on the top menu bar.
No, click on the ‘Add Inbox’. Choose the ‘Email’ option to add an email associated with your domain.
Configure email inbox
Add an agent for your inbox (Optional)
Inbox is ready now
Collect email forwarding address
Here is the email forwarding address to your connected email inbox
You need to configure email forwarding to receive inbound emails. But the above steps are enough to send email using the system.
Steps to create an email template
Create a flow
Add the ‘Email Send’ step
Under the ‘Messaging’ section, you will get the ‘Send Email’ step
The system will allow you to configure that step. Please, click on the ‘Edit Email’ button
Design the email template
The system will load the email builder. Now, click on the ‘Visual Email Builder’ button
Complete the design work
Save the email template
Please, click on the ‘Action’ button and click on the ‘Save as Template’ button
Now, set a name for the template and hit the ‘Save’ button
You can follow below steps in order to create a script for chatbot and use chatbot in your website like: Wordpress, Wix etc.
Go to Chat and add new Inbox as Website Widget as mentioned in below screenshots:
Choose Website Widget from Channel options:
Enter your website name, that will be your chatbot name showing on chatbot screen.
Enter your website domain as mentioned in below screenshot:
Welcome Heading and Welcome Tagline are optional.
Click on Create Inbox
Once your create inbox you will see below screen to assign agents to that inbox:
Click on Add agents and then you will see below screen:
Your script is ready to be used on any website. Just copy that script and paste in your website.
You have successfully finished creating a website channel. Copy the code shown below and paste it on your website. Next time a customer use the live chat, the conversation will automatically appear on your inbox.
You can set opt-in status or opt-out status through automation flow.
1. First, you need to open your flow and add an email step to your flow.
2. Click on the Edit email step, mark the Checkbox of edit email marketing and click on Edit email marketing and set the email which you want to opt in or Opt-out.
3. After adding the email address save the settings your process is complete.
1. First, you have to click on the Contact/Database tab. ‘Hello 123” my team user I will add this user as a collaborator in my inbox.
2. Then click on the Chat tab from the left side, Click on the Inbox tab from your top address bar and then click on the specific email inbox setting icon.
3. New window will open, Click on the agent dropdown bar and select your team user as a collaborator where you can add or remove your team members.
Note:If you want any of your team users to be added as a collaborator from your inbox, then you need at least one-time login into your team user account from your main account otherwise you never see this user in the collaborator list.
Optout from an Email
The flow builder email section have the option where you can add the Optout link to the email. Doing so will enable your customer to Optout or Unsubscribe from your email if they want.
Why this happens? Why SMS messages are not delivered sometimes?
Carriers have filters in place to block spam messages and protect their customers from unwanted messages. If your SMS message is flagged as spam, it may not be delivered. Some common reasons why messages are filtered as spam include:
Using all caps or excessive punctuation in the message body
Sending too many messages in a short period of time
Sending messages with a suspicious or spammy content
Including a large number of links or attachments
Links in message have poor reputation
Poor Reputation of Phone Number
Sending messages from a number that has been reported as spam
Message content filtered due to repetitive message(Use personalize message: Hi ((First_Name)) or use split test step to send multiple types of messages)
It's important to follow best practices for sending SMS messages to avoid having them filtered as spam. This includes using proper grammar and avoiding the use of all caps or excessive punctuation, sending messages with relevant and non-spammy subject lines, and avoiding sending large numbers of messages in a short period of time.
What you can do to avoid this?
1. White List your phone number:
In an effort to protect end users against unwanted calls, carriers and consumer application providers have been increasingly blocking or labeling calls that they feel fit typical robocalling campaign characteristics, such as high call volumes and short or unanswered calls. When their own analytics indicate potentially unwanted traffic, carriers may respond by blocking calls or inserting “Spam Likely”, “Telemarketer”, “Fraud Likely”, or other similar labels to display on the handset.
This kind of call analysis is difficult because while fraudulent robocalls often do show some of these characteristics, so can many legitimate use cases, including school closing notifications, weather alerts, and patient reminders, that recipients want and have opted-in to receive. Still, when viewed en-masse at the network level, they can look like illegal robocalling.
Use below link to follow procedure how to white list your phone number:
2. Send Personalized Messages
Sending personalized SMS messages is a good way to avoid having your messages filtered as spam. Here are a few tips for sending personalized SMS messages:
1. Use the recipient's name in the message: Personalizing the message with the recipient's name can help to increase engagement and reduce the likelihood of the message being marked as spam.
2. Write in a conversational tone: Write the message as if you were having a conversation with the recipient. This will help to make the message feel more personal and less like a generic marketing message.
3. Provide value: Make sure that the recipient will receive some sort of value from the message, whether it be information, a special offer, or something else.
4. Avoid spammy words and phrases: Words and phrases that are commonly used in spam messages, such as "free" or "limited time offer", can trigger spam filters. Avoid using these words in your messages.
By following these tips, you can increase the likelihood that your SMS messages will be delivered and not filtered as spam.
3. Build a Solid Sending Reputation
A solid sending reputation is essential for ensuring that your SMS messages are delivered and not filtered as spam. Here are a few ways to build a solid sending reputation for SMS:
1. Get permission: Only send SMS messages to people who have opted-in to receive messages from you. This can help to reduce the likelihood of your messages being marked as spam.
2. Personalize your messages: Personalizing your messages with the recipient's name, using a conversational tone, and providing value can help to increase engagement and reduce the likelihood of your messages being marked as spam.
3. Monitor your delivery rates: Regularly monitor your delivery rates to ensure that your messages are being delivered and to identify any potential issues that may be affecting your sending reputation.
4. Avoid sending too many messages: Sending too many messages in a short period of time can trigger spam filters and harm your sending reputation. Make sure to pace your messaging and avoid sending too many messages at once.
By following these tips, you can build a solid sending reputation for SMS and increase the likelihood that your messages will be delivered to your intended recipients.
4. Contact Receiving Carrier
If you are experiencing issues with SMS delivery and have tried all of the above steps to resolve the issue, you may need to contact the recipient's carrier for assistance.
Here is how you can contact the recipient's carrier:
1. Identify the carrier: You can usually identify the carrier by the recipient's phone number, or by looking it up online.
2.Find the carrier's customer support number: You can typically find the carrier's customer support number by searching for it online or by visiting the carrier's website.
3. Explain the issue: When you call the carrier's customer support, explain the issue you are experiencing with SMS delivery and provide as much detail as possible, including the recipient's phone number and the messages that were not delivered.
4. Follow up: If the issue is not resolved immediately, make sure to follow up with the carrier to ensure that it is being addressed.
By [contacting the recipient's carrier,]( you may be able to get more information about the issue and find a solution to the problem.
Steps to create a chat widget system for sub-accounts
Create a Website Widget inbox
If you have an existing Website Widget inbox, then please, navigate to the ‘Chat’ icon on the left menu bar. Once the page is loaded, click on the ’Inbox’ menu on the top menu bar.
Please, click on the settings of the Website Widget inbox.
Under the ‘Configuration’ tab, you will have the script code. Please, copy that code.
Update white label settings
Please, navigate to the ‘Settings’ on the left menu bar and click on the ‘Advance’ tab on the top menu bar.
Here, you need to replace the existing code with the code that you copied from the previous step.
And ‘Save’ the settings.
1. Please, navigate to the ‘Automations ’ on the left side menu bar and create/open your flow in the flow editor.
2. On the right side of the screen, you will have the hamburger icon to change the settings of the flow. Please, click on it. You will have the option to remove/add trigger.
3. We have to select Chat from trigger.
4. Choose the option as per your requirements. Email / SMS.
1. Please navigate the phone number section by clicking on the ‘Phone’ on the left-side menu. When the page is open, click the ‘Numbers’ button on the top menu.dd elements here...
2. Now, click on the ‘SMS PLAN’ tab.
3. Check this and you will know abut SMS current status.
Setting Marketing email address
Click settings from the Nav bar and select preferences, inside preferences click Marketing Email Address to add your marketing details.
Add your Marketing Email
Add all your marketing details here, that includes email, address, city, state and Zip code.
Save settings
Save your settings and you are good to go.
Creating Inbox
Select the Inbox, inside the inboxes you will find the different inboxes. Create the Inbox by selecting Add Inbox.
Choose a Channel
From the different channel select the WhatsApp Via Twilio to create a WhatsApp Cloud.
Create WhatsApp Channel
Select the WhatsApp Cloud from the API Provider, fill in the rest of the details. Finally Create WhatsApp Channel and Add Agents.